
DevOps is more than technology

I had the pleasure to collaborate with Felipe Basso to present the talk “DevOps is more than technology” during the first version of Nerdearla 101 (2023) in Santiago of Chile.

During this session we explained that DevOps is more than the tipical practices and technologies that organizations are trying to do and/or implement, it’s one of the common pitfalls behind DevOps adoptions that drives to painful failures. To avoid this, we shared 3 keys of success based on our experience working with several organizations, these are:

  • Customer focus: it’s key that all parties involved have a clear vision of service to a customer: internal or external, and how they interact, so that the flow works and cognitive loads are reduced. It also eliminates the view that my job starts here and ends there.
  • Measure, measure, and measure: to know the current situation, analyze it to identify opportunities for improvement, and demonstrate results, there is nothing better than numbers. DORA metrics are the most widely used in the world.
  • Promote synergy: it’s not just about Dev and Ops, there are other baton passes to deliver value from idea to customer.

If you missed this session, or wanna check it again, the recording is available in Youtube:

Take in count it’s in Spanish because we were in Chile, but feel free to ask us in the comments to have same content in English.

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